
Privacy Policy

On this page, we show you the privacy policy that we follow at ProHost. We collect some information about you as a user of our site or as a visitor, and we show here in this document how we deal with the information we collect about you through your use of our site.

First: General Information Uses of personal information

When filling out the application in the job forms section when announcing the availability of jobs, we at Prohost or its management use the personal information contained in the form for human resource purposes only.

When filling out the feedback form on our site, we at ProHost or its management use the personal information contained in the form to answer your comments only or write them down for us to take into consideration.

When filling out the contact us form on the ProHost website, we use the recorded information for official communication with you or to respond to your inquiry, and we do not provide this information to any third party whatsoever.

When filling out the registration form to register your membership or your facility on the Prohost site, you must register with your real name or in the name of your facility and with the correct information (address, phone number, mobile number, e-mail, your website name in Arabic, your website link), except that we do not disclose This information is for any third party to view or leak.

When you send a technical support ticket to any of the ticket service departments, we collect some information about you and your site in order to provide technical support and assistance and solve any problems you may encounter.

Second: cookies (browser information)

Prohost uses cookies (browser information) to identify the website server that the user uses to request a service. The term cookies means: simple information that is sent to the server along with the website page when entering any website. The browser then returns cookies only to the original cookie source.

We cannot benefit from browser information in anything related to the user on our website pages other than identifying (IP) connection, time, type of operating system, country or location, and the latter cannot necessarily be correct, as it is subject to the service provider and the connection ID of each service provider on limit..

Third: information security

ProHost and its employees cannot know any password of yours to enter the client area or the site control panel or the server, and we follow precautionary measures to preserve your information and your site by changing the password to enter the control panel without our intervention, and you can change your information at any time through the customer area without reference for us .

Fourth: updates

The last update of the privacy policy was on (06/26/1438 AH corresponding to 03/24/2017 AD) and we will inform you of any change or update by sending a message to your e-mail and an alert through the client area.

Fifth: Declarations

You acknowledge what is stated in this agreement as soon as you join or purchase any of our services.

Sixth: ProHost Service Providers

We may from time to time partner with other third parties to provide specific services. When the user signs up for these particular services, we may share names, or other contact information that is necessary for the third party to provide these services. These third parties are not allowed to use personally identifiable information except for the purpose of providing these services.


Prohost has the full right to amend, add, delete or change the terms of this agreement at any time without any responsibility, and the customer must follow up the items from time to time. your request for our services is your acknowledgment; By reviewing and fully agreeing to the above terms